About us

COLIN is an American. A Hoosier. A photographer. A parody rapper. He has seen Zoolander at least 57 times and is convinced Rocky IV ended the Cold War. He has had whole conversations in Supertrooper quotes and one day plans to write an entire screenplay of classic lines recycled from his favorite movies. There is at least an 80% chance he is wearing his orange LeBron James jersey right now.

ALEX can be seen mackin' hoes and smackin' foes on a regular basis. The phrase pimpin' ain't easy does not apply to him. When he's not pimpin' it, he can be seen in your neighborhood multiplex. Don't invite him to watch your favorite sports movie, feel-good movie, or anything associated with Michael Bay because he will not participate. A Penn State grad, but a bigger Hoosier fan than you. There's at least a 59% chance he once sported a pony tail.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The H.M.S. ABC Project: W

Busy week for this guy, folks. My apologies for the brevity tonight but we're going to dive right in.

It should be noted at this point that were this a "best song karaoked by two of the sexiest men alive" list, Wild Wild West would be the winner. But it isn't, so it's not.

If this list were compiled more than two years ago, one of the following three movies would have been chosen:

What's Eating Gilbert Grape
What About Bob
Who Framed Roger Rabbit

But the list wasn't, so one wasn't picked.

Instead, we're going all the way back to 2008 for today's pick. A year when people drove hybrid cars and listened to music on iPods. I know, we're going way back for this one.

The Wrestler

In any other decade this would have been the top movie, but the last decade also introduced us to There Will Be Blood, so The Wrestler will have to settle for number 2. Truly a great film and a real crime that Sean Penn beat Mickey Rourke for the Oscar in 2009 - and that's no discredit to Penn's work in Milk. Another tremendous snub is how this film failed to receive a Best Picture nomination over good (not great) films like Frost/Nixon, The Reader, and The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. Shame on you, Academy.

(Colin's W Pick: The Wrestler)

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