I am not going to select The Shawshank Redemption as the top S movie. Although I love Shawshank as much as the next guy I would be doing no service to anyone because we've all seen it. If for whatever reason you are living under a rock and haven't seen Shawshank, shame on you. Go see it, and only then will you be allowed to continue reading this article.

These folks have probably not seen Shawshank...or other human beings for that matter
I am also not going to pick Sunshine in this space since I've already devoted an entire post to it recently.
Also considered in this space were Saving Private Ryan, Schindler's List, Some Like It Hot, The Sixth Sense, and Se7en.
Alas, I just couldn't get myself to write about anything other than today's choice, despite the lack of clips available on the web to link to. It's a favorite of mine - painfully funny but serious when it needs to be. The film has some great quotes and even better characters, the latter of which makes the movie an excellent choice for repeat viewings.

That couldn't have been easy for them to get in there
If they order merlot I'm leaving. Nixy out.
(Colin and Reid's S Pick: Space Jam)
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