About us

COLIN is an American. A Hoosier. A photographer. A parody rapper. He has seen Zoolander at least 57 times and is convinced Rocky IV ended the Cold War. He has had whole conversations in Supertrooper quotes and one day plans to write an entire screenplay of classic lines recycled from his favorite movies. There is at least an 80% chance he is wearing his orange LeBron James jersey right now.

ALEX can be seen mackin' hoes and smackin' foes on a regular basis. The phrase pimpin' ain't easy does not apply to him. When he's not pimpin' it, he can be seen in your neighborhood multiplex. Don't invite him to watch your favorite sports movie, feel-good movie, or anything associated with Michael Bay because he will not participate. A Penn State grad, but a bigger Hoosier fan than you. There's at least a 59% chance he once sported a pony tail.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

The H.M.S. ABC Project: F

Every day before sitting here to pen the best two-man, Hoosier-dedicated, non-sports blog in the tri-state area, I comb through the family's DVD collection, searching for titles beginning with the day's letter, and yearning to feel inspired (because it's hard to write four-hyphen, five-comma sentences). Today's search yielded the following results: Ferris Bueller's Day Off, Finding Forrester (a double F!), and Ferris Bueller's Day Off: Bueller...Bueller...Edition. I wasn't quite as inspired as I'd hoped.

When Cameron was in Egypt's land...let my Cameron...goooo.

And while I loves me some Bueller as much as any self-respecting American should, does the world really need another 1,000 words on his laissez-faire, carpe diem outlook on life? Let's just say the subject has been had and leave it at that.

Another obvious choice here, at least for me, is Fight Club. But I feel I've already written the defining review on this gem, and decorum prohibits me from going any further. Feel free to comb our archives if you feel gypped.

So what to do? There's another pair of great "F" movies (Forrest Gump & Finding Nemo) that are just as widely seen and boring to talk about, so let's go with one that perhaps you haven't enjoyed yet.

 Slightly more fantastic than George Clooney's actual life.

I've been meaning to write about this flick for a little while, but kept forgetting. Also, I'm lazy. I keep telling you this. But while I have you, let me just say: I love this movie. If you're at all familiar with Wes Anderson's movies (Rushmore, The Royal Tenenbaums, The Life Aquatic), you surely already appreciate his wry humor and silliness. And his gratuitous use of Bill Murray, who here plays a badger lawyer to perfection. Put it all together and add stop motion puppets? Perfection.

If you're gonna cuss with somebody, you're not gonna cuss with me, you little cuss!,


(Nix's "F" pick: Fargo)

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