About us

COLIN is an American. A Hoosier. A photographer. A parody rapper. He has seen Zoolander at least 57 times and is convinced Rocky IV ended the Cold War. He has had whole conversations in Supertrooper quotes and one day plans to write an entire screenplay of classic lines recycled from his favorite movies. There is at least an 80% chance he is wearing his orange LeBron James jersey right now.

ALEX can be seen mackin' hoes and smackin' foes on a regular basis. The phrase pimpin' ain't easy does not apply to him. When he's not pimpin' it, he can be seen in your neighborhood multiplex. Don't invite him to watch your favorite sports movie, feel-good movie, or anything associated with Michael Bay because he will not participate. A Penn State grad, but a bigger Hoosier fan than you. There's at least a 59% chance he once sported a pony tail.

Monday, June 21, 2010

The H.M.S. ABC Project: V

V is for viewing Vertigo via VCR...for vehicular valor and very high places.

V is for Vicky Christina Barcelona...for vignettes on vague vacation sexual boundaries, for a vigorously vengeful Penelope Cruz, and for Javier Bardem getting his pick of a variety of vino-influenced vaginas women.

V is for Varsity Blues...for a vexation on vanilla sundaes with whipped cream but void of ice cream...for Van Der Beeks valiantly vaulting would-be tacklers and venomously vile coaches with varicose veins named Voight venturing past various lines of decency in the name of a villainous vice for victory.

V is even for The Village...for vacationing vegan vagrants in a valley of vegetation, a vacuum void of vaccination and clever plot devices where vaudevillian varmints vaguely vanquish their victims.

V is for Verbal Kint...for Ace Ventura, Darth Vader, Voldemort and Vito Corleone...for Viggo Mortensen, Val Kilmer, and doubly for Vince Vaughn.

V is for masked and vested vigilantes with a voracious and vivacious vocabulary and limited vincibility...for vowing vindictive, volcanic violence and self-promoting viral video...for virtuoso vocal performance. Of course, V is also for...

I will now leave you with this brilliance, and 50 more V words. Enjoy.

Remember remember the 5th of November, the gunpowder treason and plot...I see no reason why the gunpowder treason should ever be forgot,


(Nix's "V" pick: V For Vendetta)

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