Yet, even if my "B" pick was borderline befuddling, I daresay today's "D" selection could definitely be indefensibly dumb...downright dangerous, even.
Apologies to the following:
The Dark Knight
The Departed
Days of Thunder
Die Hard
Dumb & Dumber
District 9
Dawn of the Dead
and especially Dante's Peak
But there can be only one winner here, and I've been waiting four long days to type the following:
Rumored to be even better while high...rumored.
Dazed and Confused takes place on the last day of school in the year of our country's bicentennial...a time where, apparently, 96-97% of the population was chain smoking pot, and it was totally acceptable to chase down younger kids from your high school and beat them senseless with your homemade, elaborately decorated paddle.
How to lose a girl in 10 days? Wear pink corduroys.
And what does this movie teach us? Well, admittedly, not a whole lot. Except for the absolute fact that Matthew McConaughey used to be a terrible actor (ok he didn't get much better). But what we do get is undoubtedly the best soundtrack ever, and a huge ensemble cast of talented young actors (excluding the aforementioned stud muffin and a young Tim Lincecum). And a damn good time. And isn't that what it's all about? Hear, hear.
Did ya ever look at a dollar bill, man? There's some spooky shit goin' on there. And it's green too,
(Nixaliciousness's "D" pick: The Dark Knight)
This post is missing one thing... some love for the great Donnie Darko...