I apologize in advance for today's brevity, I have little to say about today's selection. Fighting the urge to break the rules, I'm actually going to select a Q movie - something I wasn't planning on doing until today. When Colin and I conceived (this idea, that is), I marked Q as the day I would devote a post to Arrested Development. Instead, you'll get some of my usual AD allusions (not to be confused with illusions) but we'll stick to the script.

He is also the world's first professional analyst and therapist
I have two Q movies in my Netflix queue that may actually be worthy of selection (unlike today's choice), The Queen and Quiz Show. But, I cannot comment on the merits of those films. What I can do is give you today's winner, by default.
Quantum of Solace

Today's selection is based solely on how bad ass the opening car chase sequence is.
(Colin's "Q" Pick: Since Quantum of Solace was disappointingly terrible, the clever horror movie Quarantine)
Nix, you should have ordered Quiz Show from Netflix sooner. It's by far better than both your choices, though still pretty lousy for a "best" in class... "Q" sucks as a letter.