Look, I know we're two months deep but January and February aren't exactly a hot time for movies. It's a great time for college hoops, but I typically drop things in the toilet that are more entertaining than what Hollywood sends to your local movie theater during this time. Seriously, what have you seen other than this that hasn't sucked this year? Exxxxactly. So, with last night's boring** awards officially announcing the end of one season, I thought we could take a look at what is in store for us in 2010.
**It should be noted before we continue that I mean "boring" in the best possible way. As great as the awards are, many a crime has been committed by the Academy. No, no, no...really, CRIMES. We can't cover them all but Three 6 Mafia has as many Oscars as Martin Scorcese. Chew on that stat for awhile. Anyway, I haven't seen The Blind Side (nor will I at any time in my life), but I feel confident in saying that there is no reason it should have been nominated and that Sandra Bullock absolutely stole the award from the very deserving Carey Mulligan. But that's it. My only beef. Incredible really.
Okay, back to preview. At this time last year very few had heard of The Hurt Locker. (Then again, very few had heard of it while it was in theaters considering that Avatar earned more in its 10th weekend than The Hurt Locker did in its entire worldwide run at the box office. Seriously, look it up.) Many films will emerge and prove better than the following list, but I just don't know that much about them yet. These are the ones that this guy has his eye on. Sure, half of these may suck, but eat it. I guarantee there are at least a couple of great movies that you will thank me for informing you of. For that, you're welcome in advance. Here they are, in the order they're released:

The Green Zone (3/12) Matt Damon goes rogue in an unstable region of the globe hunting down evil people and attempting to single-handedly bring down a corrupt corporation. Directed by Paul Greengrass. Sure sounds like a fourth Bourne movie. Well, it isn't....technically. But it sure as hell sounds like one so I'll see you there this weekend.

Iron Man 2 (5/7) After an unremarkable April, May kicks off with a bang with Iron Man 2 and the next movie on this list the following weekend. I'm typically not much the sequel type, but this one has some things going for it. Iron Man is among the more entertaining movies of recent years. If you haven't seen it, do so this instance. It may not be as good as part one, but Robert Downey Jr. is hilarious, Scarlett and Gwyneth are thoroughbreds, and Mickey Rourke looks terrifying.

Robin Hood (5/14) There Ridley Scott goes being all unoriginal again. Seriously, when has he made a movie that was truly original - when he didn't copy an already successful formula? Regardless, he may not take risks but he sure as hell knows how to direct Russell Crowe into a whole other realm of badassness.

Toy Story 3 (6/18) Chalk this up as the most likely to disappoint (sorry Colin). Pixar movies, although solid, never quite live up to the hype for me. Then there's my sequel-phobia. But still, this should be reliably good, if underwhelming. I know I'm in the minority but this is probably my least anticipated on the list.
How dare you disparage the Pixar name. The ghost of Walt Disney will smite you.