Part 2:

Inception (7/16) Christopher Nolan. Solid cast. Mind-bending premise. This looks sick. Definitely the one I'm most looking forward to in 2010.
The American (9/1) George Clooney plays an assassin hiding out in Italy for one last assignment. A little vague but I'm a bit of a sucker for assassin movies. Sign me up.
The Town (9/10) If Ben Affleck directing scares you, you're wrong. His debut as a director (2007's Gone Baby Gone) surprised many, including me, and there's no reason to think his follow up will suffer. The premise is solid (bank robbers, FBI agents, etc) and it stars Jeremy Renner fresh off of his Oscar nomination. See you there.
The Social Network (10/15) This one is bizarre. Of all the people to direct a movie about a couple of Ivy League nerds (no offense Blue) starting a website....David Fincher??? The man behind Se7en, Fight Club, and Zodiac? Not exactly along the lines of what's worked well for him in the past, but he has yet to disappoint. Also, it stars Justin Timberlake, for better or worse.
The Green Hornet (12/22) Superhero movies don't usually do it for me, but this stars Christoph Waltz so count me in.
True Grit (12/25) Two US Marshalls hunt down a young woman's murderer. Sounds good. Directed by the brothers Coen? I'm listening. Stars Matt Damon, Jeff Bridges, Josh Brolin, and Barry Pepper....yes please!
Paul (TBA) Simon Pegg and Nick Frost of Hot Fuzz and Shaun of the Dead fame team back up for a movie about finding an alien near Area 51. Add to that Seth Rogen and Arrested Development talent Jeffrey Tambor and Jason Bateman. Bingo.
The Tree of Life (TBA) Terrence Malick is a legend, yet he's only made 4 his 37 year directing career. Top talent lines up to work with Malick and you can be pretty confident that if he's coming out with a movie he's invested a fair amount of his time into it (just shy of 10 years per movie, no big deal). His movies aren't for everyone, but those that enjoy his work will be jumping on this when it arrives.
Well there it is folks. My inaugural contribution to this fine site. Hopefully I did not bore, but enlighten you. I do not have the wit, pedigree, free time, or muscles of Colin Thompson but if you made it this far I guess I did something right. Feel free to holler anything I might have left off. Nixy out.
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