Upset that the best movies I've seen in recent memory were both made by the French, I had to revisit some of my favorites to restore confidence in American filmmaking. This led me to watch a number of movies, two of which were Gangs of New York and the incredible There Will Be Blood. Neither of these should be titles you're unfamiliar with, assuming you're a respectable member of society. But it got me thinking....the one thing I think about when I hear either of these movies mentioned is Daniel Day-Lewis. Rightfully so, might I add, because the man is truly amazing.
I started to wonder, though, which of his two roles I enjoyed the most....and really struggled with an answer. I continue to go back and forth recounting my favorite scenes from each movie and it does nothing but make the decision more difficult. Let's review the two roles:
Daniel Plainview

He will consume your beverage if and when he chooses
By all accounts a despicable human being, Daniel Plainview will stop at nothing to get what he wants and further expand his oil empire. He absolutely carries the best movie in the last decade (if not longer), appearing in about every scene. If you humiliate him in public, there's a good chance he will seek revenge. It's a great performance in a great can it be beaten?
Bill the Butcher

He will paint the Five Points with your blood...two coats
Just when you think Daniel Plainview cannot be outdone, you remember Bill Cutting. In my humble opinion, there is no rival to DDL, he is on his own level. He is to acting as Tiger Woods (pre-infidelity) is to golf. And to me, these are his most defining characters and more memorable roles. What makes this such a challenge is that the Butcher can be as vial a human being as Mr. Plainview, but also shows a dash of perspective and higher moral code. The film does not rely as heavily on DDL (perhaps why it's not as good as TWBB), but when he is in the movie he COMMANDS the screen in the same way he does as Daniel Plainview.
I find the decision very difficult. It boils down to choosing either: the equivalent of watching a volcano erupt for 150 minutes (Plainview) or watch a character with less screen time and more depth carry a movie with far less screen time (the Butcher). I can't decide, which is your favorite role?
This is obviously the most important question posed by either of us in this blog's short, yet life-altering time on the earth. In a race tighter than Stat before he met David Justice, I've gotta go with Mr. Plainview. Who just drank my milkshake.