About us

COLIN is an American. A Hoosier. A photographer. A parody rapper. He has seen Zoolander at least 57 times and is convinced Rocky IV ended the Cold War. He has had whole conversations in Supertrooper quotes and one day plans to write an entire screenplay of classic lines recycled from his favorite movies. There is at least an 80% chance he is wearing his orange LeBron James jersey right now.

ALEX can be seen mackin' hoes and smackin' foes on a regular basis. The phrase pimpin' ain't easy does not apply to him. When he's not pimpin' it, he can be seen in your neighborhood multiplex. Don't invite him to watch your favorite sports movie, feel-good movie, or anything associated with Michael Bay because he will not participate. A Penn State grad, but a bigger Hoosier fan than you. There's at least a 59% chance he once sported a pony tail.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

The AJ Ratliffs: Movies that Should Have Been Better than They Are

I'm not going to touch on the title. Perhaps it is a low blow, but sometimes the truth hurts. Here we will discuss movies that were disappointing. Not disappointing in the Michael Bay sense, and not disappointing in the cancellation of the greatest show on television way either. You see, these are movies that had one or more elements of greatness. They may have even ended as good movies, but something left me wanting more. They were a tease. They trick you. At one point or another, each of the following movies had me convinced they were going to be better than they were. They are the AJ Ratliffs:

This will certainly be a controversial choice, but this movie pissed me off. Look, I love the fresh prince himself. The two snobs themselves, in the flesh, karaoked Wild Wild West to a lucky crowd at Duty's one fateful night last November. It was legendary, although Orange County's own singing Meredith Brooks was far more memorable.

Why was it so upsetting? I got dragged to see this movie. I had little to no interest in seeing this, but decided to donate my street cred to a group of friends and grace them with my presence. Much to my surprise, I was loving the movie. I was certain that this was going to be your average Sci Fi movie. Alas the first two thirds were brilliant. The movie was refreshing, not retreating to the conventions of the genre. Big Willy was brilliant and the movie seemed to be taking the 28 Days Later route and redefining zombies. Throughout the first part of the movie, we are given suggestions that the monsters are intelligent creatures. They even nearly beat Will at his own game and trap him.

But then all of this build up leads to...nothing. All of a sudden, Will goes ballistic on the docks and gets miraculously saved by two people that heard his radio calls. From there on the film is rubbish. Worst of all, IT DIDN'T HAVE TO BE. Had they stuck with the book's ending everything would have been fine. But they have to give something that will please the masses and they sacrifice the tone of the movie and completely flip the film's effect. ARGH.

The trailer was phenomenal. The creative team responsible for Sin City was in tact. Everything seemed to be falling in place. This had to be as good as Sin City, there was no way for it to fail. Alas, it was a disappointment. Entertaining? Sure. It is what it is, a one-dimensional blood bath that made me think it could have been more.

It had so many great elements to it. Michael Mann, Johnny Depp, Marion Cotillard, Christian Bale, bank heists, a rural Indiana (aka the land of milk and honey) setting....how could it go wrong? This one I just can't put my finger on. It had great scenes that showed you it's potential. Ultimately, the sum of its parts was good not great. I guess I was expecting Heat set in the early 1900s and that wasn't fair.

This is going to get me in trouble, but so be it. I would love to provide reasons why this movie upsets me so much, but I can't finish it. To this day I have not been able to make it more than 30 minutes into the movie before deciding to turn it off and do something more enjoyable like wipe my butt with sandpaper. (Too much?)

I must have missed something here. There is nothing in the movie worthy of an Oscar. I'm going to revisit this film in the near future and I hope to see something I missed because I HATE this movie so much. The X-Factor for me was Hilary Swank. She annoyed the hell out of me and I wasn't the least bit upset with her character's fate. I hope I prove myself wrong and enjoy it, because this movie alone is preventing me from putting Eastwood alongside the Scorsese's and PTA's of the world as top directors.

That's all from me folks. Surely there are other movies that have left me wanting more, but I want to hear what you think. Do you disagree with my choices? Do you have your own list of movies that piss you off? Please let me know below. Until we meet again, Nixy out.


  1. How dare you besmirch the Zoolander name! Vengeance will be mine.

  2. Ok I do love you guys and this blog, so well written, spectacular links (see dissapointment in the 300 section)... but you always lose me and all credibility with the I will never see this because it's horrible and this movie is a dissapointment even tho I've only seen the first 30 minutes. Zoolander is a phenomenal motion picture all the way till the end. I don't know how you got past the Cuba Gooding Jr. and Natalie Portman cameos in the beginning thinking this wasn't about to be a great movie. Also the whole dissapointment idea... This means that you had expectations going into the movie. The first time I watched Zoolander I didn't know much about it and I had no expectations higher than it was probably going to be something ridiculous and stupid that I watched once (it turned out to be something ridiculous and stupid that was awesome that I've watched 500 times)... needless to say it was the opposite of a bad surprise.. more like an A.J. Moye than an A.J Ratliff. You can't tell me you went into this movie thinking you'd love it when it came out in 2001.

    That Hansel is so hot right now.

  3. Nix, I ought to pistol-whip you. As a male model, you clearly harbor jealousy toward your Zoolander counterparts. However, I do agree that I Am Legend and Million Dollar Baby were HORRIBLE. Missing from this list (which could also be titled the "Kelvin Sampson" list) is The Aviator... the only movie I've ever walked out on at the theater - AWEFUL!

  4. The only movie I walked out on was Lindsay Lohan Just My Luck... and I had high hopes for that one! Guys perhaps this walking out thing could be a topic...

    I'm a good eugoogalizer

  5. I always stick it out through the end...no matter how terrible and disappointing The Spirit was.

  6. Ok look, I am going to rewatch both MDB and Zoolander. If I see the light and enjoy a and agree they're leaning more toward the AJ Moye side of things, I will provide full analysis here on the blog.

  7. Side Blog:

    The Errek Suhr Award
    "Movie that Colin Thompson loved (still loves), I gave it a chance, and saw no reason for it's existence.

    I believe Mr. Nix will agree...he also stopped watching after 23 minutes.

    The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Gal..............I apologize, the passion inside me will not allow me to finish typing the movie title.

    The movie even began with a scene filled with my favorite sea-creature, Dolphins. Then the music started playing, and I could not handle any part of this movie.

    I have already wasted about 6 minutes of my life discussing this movie. Not one more second!

    Please chime in Nix.

    -Farewell thee well Baxter, you shall always be friend of the Bear.
