About us

COLIN is an American. A Hoosier. A photographer. A parody rapper. He has seen Zoolander at least 57 times and is convinced Rocky IV ended the Cold War. He has had whole conversations in Supertrooper quotes and one day plans to write an entire screenplay of classic lines recycled from his favorite movies. There is at least an 80% chance he is wearing his orange LeBron James jersey right now.

ALEX can be seen mackin' hoes and smackin' foes on a regular basis. The phrase pimpin' ain't easy does not apply to him. When he's not pimpin' it, he can be seen in your neighborhood multiplex. Don't invite him to watch your favorite sports movie, feel-good movie, or anything associated with Michael Bay because he will not participate. A Penn State grad, but a bigger Hoosier fan than you. There's at least a 59% chance he once sported a pony tail.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The Top 5 Most Badass Movie Scenes

Turn off The Notebook and turn up the Rage, folks, Nixy's back to discuss some movie badassery. If you're unprepared for the testosterone that follows, please stop reading and go watch Oprah.

A personal apology to Mel Gibson for not choosing this scene, but your ass is off the reservation and shouldn't be honored here.

It should also be noted that these are going to be the most badass moments on film, not necessarily a list of the biggest badasses. So, while Bill the Butcher is an undeniable badass, he doesn't have any moments that give you chills like the ones listed below. The same goes for Anton Chigurh. Although everything we see from them suggests that they are not to be trifled with, they lack that key, badass moment. Without further adieu, here are my top 5 badass movie moments.

#5: Unforgiven

The final scene in Unforgiven is made all the more badass by the calm, slow build up of William Munny during the film's previous 2 hours. We hear about all of these heinous acts of violence that he has committed without actually seeing any.....until he gets pissed off.

#4: Watchmen

Let me first say this: I understand that this spot could be filled with any number of scenes from 300, tis true. But that whole movie is badass. In fact, it's so badass that it gets redundant and overly one-dimensional. Watchmen is also not a particularly good film, however, a film based solely on Rorschach's character could have been fabulous and his scenes in the movie are flashes of what could have been. Here's the clip.

#3: V for Vendetta

There is something to be said for telling a roomful of armed men exactly what you're going to do to them, and then doing exactly that. Badass bonus points. Taking literally hundreds of bullets before opening a can: epic bonus points.

#2: Gladiator

There's a case to be made for a number of scenes from Gladiator, most notably this scene. Maximus has that titanic a pair of testicles. But, alas, you know what is coming. No surprise here, the only moment on this list that does not include killing.

#1: Heat

There was really no contest here. In terms of badassery on film, this is on another level. For nearly 10 minutes, there is hardly a word spoken, but plenty of gunfire. Just watch it and enjoy.

Please let me know what I missed.

Until we meet again, Nixy out.


  1. I'm a fan of V, but I'd replace it with this one. Pretty hard to top...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wdYSB7z7hok#t=6m25s

    Glad to see a new post though!

  2. that is a badass clip, i've never seen equilibrium or those would have made it.
