About us

COLIN is an American. A Hoosier. A photographer. A parody rapper. He has seen Zoolander at least 57 times and is convinced Rocky IV ended the Cold War. He has had whole conversations in Supertrooper quotes and one day plans to write an entire screenplay of classic lines recycled from his favorite movies. There is at least an 80% chance he is wearing his orange LeBron James jersey right now.

ALEX can be seen mackin' hoes and smackin' foes on a regular basis. The phrase pimpin' ain't easy does not apply to him. When he's not pimpin' it, he can be seen in your neighborhood multiplex. Don't invite him to watch your favorite sports movie, feel-good movie, or anything associated with Michael Bay because he will not participate. A Penn State grad, but a bigger Hoosier fan than you. There's at least a 59% chance he once sported a pony tail.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Hello and welcome!

Hey there! Glad you could join us. This is Hoosier Movie Snobs, and we are your resident film gurus. "Who are you?" you must be asking. Just your everyday 23-year-old sex symbols? Yes. Just your everyday muy inteligente film genius's? Hell to the no. We're mavericks, and yes Ice...man, we are dangerous.

In our time together here on this incredibly awesome, free to everyone including us writers, movie blog, we're gonna talk about movies. Movies we liked. Movies we didn't like. Movies that made us jump up and yell "oh no they didn't!" Movies that made us say "meh." You (the reader) are going to get lots of reviews, lots of lists, and lots of surprises along the way.

Your total participation is encouraged, nay, essential to our success here. Disagree? Know ahead of time that you will either be proven wrong or shouted down by one or the both of us, but please let us know. There's a friendly, inviting "comment" box at the bottom of each and every post. Feel free to put your 35 words per minute to use there.

That's all we've got for now, come visit tomorrow for Colin's "The best 23 movies I've seen in the last 23 years" list.

Colin and Alex

P.S. Reside in either the South Beach or Fort Wayne Beach areas and in need of a date this wekeend? Get in line.


  1. first of all... silver screen snobs would've been a much better name. second of all... who uses a plain red background for a banner? i mean honestly at least photoshop some iu images in there with a red background with a lower opacity on there. and third of all what is this... a blog for ants! it needs to be at least... 3 times this size!. this must just be another snobby blog for some snobs to put the only acceptable way to view movies on here and be closed minded and against anything that is remotely entertaining. what makes a film guru anyway? agreeing with every critic out there? cuz ive probably seen as many movies as the movie gurus... well... maybe not as many movies, but ive watched movies as many times. (ace ventura 10,567 happy gilmore 16,249). i do agree tho, alex is the PGA's gift to women.

    this message will self-destruct at the end of any lord of the rings viewings

  2. This blog is sex

  3. Stat says:

    Cant wait for the new Robert Pattinson movie to come out. He is soooooo dreamy!!!

  4. have either of you seen "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest", "Misery" or "Jeremiah Johnson"?
    Maybe I will get some rental hints from your notes but you must see one of my favorites from the last 53 years.
    And the mother/teacher in me can't help but tell you to change the line where you say" Nix and I's....I think it should say: Nix and mine...
    with that being said I will stay tuned if allowed!! :)

  5. I laughed my ass off last night reading through your postings. Keep up the good work, fellas. Colin, I understand your obsession with Punch Drunk Love, but #5? Really? Good grief. I might have to watch it again.
